
6. To decode the flashing state of server LED, review the entire SEL and look at events with
alert level 3 and above.
For example:
Log Entry 24: 14 Feb 2003 15:27:02
Alert Level 3: Warning
Keyword: Type-02 1b0800 1771520
Hot Swap Cage: SCSI cable removed
Logged by: BMC; Sensor: Cable / Interconnect - SCSI ChExt Cable
Data1: Device Removed/Device Absent
0x203E4D0AC6020220 FFFF0008F61B0300
Log Entry 73: 00:00:12
Alert Level 3: Warning
Keyword: Type-02 050301 328449
The server's built-in sensors have detected an open chassis door.
Logged by: BMC; Sensor: Physical Security - Chassis Open
Data1: State Asserted
0x200000000C020570 FFFF010302050300
NOTE: More detailed information on the server logs is presented in Appendix C (page 141).
Systems Without an iLO Management Processor
The server LED states operate the same as servers that have the optional iLO MP. See Table 5-3.
Table 5-3 Power and System LED States
StateSystem LEDPower LED
Server is offOffOff (flashing green)
RunningSolid greenOn (green)
Booting or running code other than operating system (boot or
Flashing greenOn (green)
Attention indicationFlashing yellow (1/sec.)On (green)
Fault indicationFlashing red (2/sec.)On (green)
Diagnostic LEDs
The server has four diagnostic LEDs. These diagnostic LEDs warn of impending or existing
failures and enable you to take preventive or corrective action, such as making a server backup
or replacing a component. These diagnostic LEDs are labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4.
If no iLO MP is installed, the boot progress is monitored by diagnostic LEDs 1 through 4.
During the boots, the LEDs turn on in sequence until the EFI prompt is reached.
If an iLO MP is installed, the boot process is monitored by the iLO MP. The diagnostic LEDs
are disabled. For more information, see Figure 5-2.
Identifying and Diagnosing Hardware Issues 103