Sets NVM and stable store values to predefined default values. Normally only a subset of values
are available for default. To reset the system, execute the default clear command.
Displays the contents of processor internal memory logged for all processors present in the server.
errdump [cpe | cmc | init | la | clear]
mca dumps the Machine Check Abort error log
cpe dumps the Corrected Platform Error log
cmc dumps the Corrected Machine Check log
init dumps the Initialization log
la dumps the Logic Analyzer log
clear erases all of the logs (mca, cpe, cmc, init, la)
Enter errdump with no parameters to display usage. Otherwise, the specified error log displays.
Add -n to the clear parameter to disable the confirmation prompt. Access the errdump command
from the System Configuration menu.
Displays most server information.
info [ -b] [target]
target: valid targets are:
all display everything
cpu display information on cpus
cache display information on cache
mem display information on memory
io display information on io
boot display boot-related information
chiprev display information on chip revisions
fw display firmware version information
sys display system information
warning display warning and stop boot information
EFI/POSSE Commands 153