29 Use your HP iPAQ Glisten as a
wireless modem
You can connect your iPAQ to your computer and use it as a wireless modem to access the Internet.
Before you set up the Internet connection, you need to make sure your phone service has a data plan
and you may need a specific data plan that allows you to use your phone as a wireless modem. Before
you begin, make sure the wireless service indicator on your phone shows an active connection.
Connect to a computer using the USB sync cable
When you connect your iPAQ to your computer for the first time, a driver will be installed to enable
Internet sharing. If this does not happen, you need to manually set up your iPAQ for Internet sharing.
To set up a USB modem connection:
Make sure that your iPAQ is not connected to your computer.
2. Press Start
, tap Tools > Internet Sharing.
3. In the PC Connection list, select USB.
4. In the Network Connection list, select the default network connection (most likely AT&T GPRS).
5. Connect your iPAQ to your computer with the USB sync cable, and then tap Connect.
Connect to a computer using Bluetooth
Before you start Internet sharing, you need to create a Bluetooth partnership between your phone and
your computer.
On your phone, turn on Bluetooth:
1. Press Start
, tap Wireless Manager, and then tap Menu > Bluetooth Settings.
2. Tap the Mode tab, select the Turn on Bluetooth check box, and then select the Make this
device visible to other devices check box.
3. Tap OK.