Insert cells
Select the same number of cells as you want to insert and in the same pattern as you want the new
cells to appear.
For example, if you want to insert two side-by-side cells, select two side-by-side cells. Or, if you
want to insert two stacked cells, select two stacked cells.
2. Tap Menu > Insert > Cells.
Select how you want the cells inserted.
Shift cells right: Moves the selected cells to the right by the same number of columns as
there are in the selection, and inserts the new cells. All cells to the right of the selected cells
are also shifted right.
Shift cells down: Moves the selected cells down by the same number of rows as there are
in the selection, and inserts the new cells. All cells below the selected cells are also shifted down.
Entire row: Moves the rows in which the selected cells are located down by the same
number of rows as there are in the selection, and inserts the new rows. All rows below the
selected rows are also shifted down.
Entire column: Moves the columns in which the selected cells are located to the right by the
same number of columns as there are in the selection, and inserts the new columns. All
columns to the right of the selected cells are also shifted right.
4. Tap OK.
NOTE: Excel Mobile keeps formulas up to date by adjusting references to the shifted cells to reflect
their new locations.
Insert rows
Select the row or rows above which you want to insert new rows. Make sure that you:
Select the same number of rows as you want to insert.
Select whole rows by tapping a single row heading or dragging across multiple row
headings, which are located in the column that is farthest to the left.
2. Tap Menu > Insert > Cells.
NOTE: Excel Mobile keeps formulas up to date by adjusting references to the shifted cells to reflect
their new locations.
78 Chapter 16 Use productivity tools