Migrating to a Newer Version of the Kerberos Server
Migrating from Kerberos Server Version 1.0 to 3.0
Chapter 344
# kdb5_util dump /opt/krb5/dumpfilev1.0
Step 2. Copy the dump file to the new system where you are installing the
Kerberos server v3.0.
Step 3. Install the v3.0 Kerberos daemons on the new system.
Step 4. Migrate the v1.0 dump file to the v3.0 dump file.
To generate the v3.0 dump file, run the kdb_migrate tool on the system
where Kerberos server v3.0 is installed:
# kdb_migrate -i /opt/krb5/dumpfilev1.0 -o
=> /opt/krb5/dumpfilev3.0 -p /opt/krb5/polv3 -1
=> /tmp/kdb_migrate.log
NOTE The lines beginning with => are continuations of the previous line.
If the /var/adm/krb5/krb5kdc/kdc.conf file does not exist and the
master key name is not the default (K/M), specify this as an argument in
kdb_migrate by specifying the -M option.
If the /var/adm/krb5/krb5kdc/kdc.conf file does not exist and the -e
option is not specified, the encryption type is the encryption type of the
master principal obtained from the dumpfilev1.0.
If the /etc/krb5.conf file does not exist, the migration process fails.
You can change the password of the master key while executing the
migration tool. The tool prompts you for a password change. If you want
to change the password, type yes at the command prompt. If you do not
want to change the password, type no at the command prompt.
NOTE You must use the same password while creating the minimal database
for v3.0 of the Kerberos server, as described in step 5.
The policy information is available in the /opt/krb5/polv2 directory
and the logs are available in /tmp/kdb_migrate.log file.
Step 5. Configure the Kerberos server v3.0.