Example: Connect
Channels 02 and 10 to
Tree Terminals for
4-Wire Ohms
The SCAN:MODE FRES command separates Bank 0 and Bank 1 for 4-wire
resistance measurements or other stimulus/response testing. Current or
signals are connected to the B tree terminal and go out through a channel on
one bank. The voltage signal response comes in through a channel on the
other bank and goes to the A tree terminal and the analog bus connector.
The current source and voltage response must be on channels that are eight
numbers apart (for example, 02 and 10, 15 and 07). You only need to
specify the channel that the voltage reading is on as the FET multiplexer
automatically closes the corresponding channel eight numbers away. Figure
3-3 shows a current source on channel 10 and the voltage reading on
channel 02.
SCAN:MODE FRES Isolates Bank 0 from Bank 1.
CLOSe (@102) Closes channels 02 and 10. 02 is
routed to A tree terminal and 10 is
routed to B tree terminal.
Figure 3-3. Connecting Channels 02 and 10 for 4-Wire Ohms Measurement
Chapter 3 Using the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules 35