
Chapter 4
Understanding the HP E1351A/53A FET
Multiplexer Modules
Using This Chapter
This chapter explains techniques to scan the channels of 16-Channel FET
and 16-Channel Thermocouple FET Multiplexer Modules. This chapter
contains the following sections:
Commands for Scanning Switchbox Channels . . . . . . . . . . . Page 45
Using Scanning Trigger Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 45
Using the Scan Complete Bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 52
Commands for Scanning Switchbox Channels
Scanning multiplexer channels consists of closing a set of channels, one at a
time. The multiplexer has single, multiple, or continuous scanning modes.
See Figure 4-1 for the different commands used in scanning.
Using Scanning Trigger Sources
The TRIGger:SOURce command specifies the source to advance the
channel list. Figure 4-2 shows the different trigger sources.
uses the digital bus handshake lines. You can use the TRIG[:IMM]
command to immediately advance the channel list while in the TRIG:SOUR
or TRIG:SOUR HOLD mode. (Note that TRIG:SOUR IMM is not the
same as
TRIG[:IMM].) To enable the HP E1300/E1301 Mainframe "Trig
Out" port, use the
OUTP ON command. The "Event In" mainframe trigger
source is reserved with the
TRIG:SOUR EXT command. "Trig Out" and
"Event In" are mainframe resources, and can only be allocated to one
instrument at a time.
Scanning with
The examples in this chapter show different ways to scan channels of a
switchbox in an HP E1300/E1301 Mainframe. The operation is similar to
other HP VXIbus mainframes with HP command modules that have "Trig
Out" and "Event In" ports. The computer used in the examples is an HP
Series 200/300 used with HP BASIC as the program language. The
computer interfaces with the mainframe over HP-IB. Assumed is an:
HP-IB select code of 7
HP-IB primary address of 09 for the HP E1300/E1301 Mainframe
HP-IB primary address of 22 for the HP 3457A Multimeter
HP-IB secondary address of 14 for the multiplexer module
Chapter 4 Understanding the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules 45