
Page 7-5
Lists of algebraic objects
The following are examples of lists of algebraic objects with the function
SIN applied to them (select Exact mode for these examples -- See Chapter
The MTH/LIST menu
The MTH menu provides a number of functions that exclusively to lists.
With system flag 117 set to CHOOSE boxes, the MTH/LIST menu offers
the following functions:
With system flag 117 set to SOFT menus, the MTH/LIST menu shows the
following functions:
The operation of the MTH/LIST menu is as follows:
LIST: Calculate increment among consecutive elements in list
ΣLIST: Calculate summation of elements in the list
ΠLIST: Calculate product of elements in the list
SORT: Sorts elements in increasing order
REVLIST: Reverses order of list
ADD: Operator for term-by-term addition of two lists of the same
length (examples of this operator were shown above)
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