
Page TOC-5
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, 7-2
Functions applied to lists, 7-4
Lists of complex numbers, 7-4
Lists of algebraic objects, 7-5
The MTH/LIST menu, 7-5
The SEQ function, 7-7
The MAP function, 7-7
Reference, 7-7
Chapter 8 - Vectors
Entering vectors , 8-1
Typing vectors in the stack, 8-1
Storing vectors into variables in the stack, 8-2
Using the Matrix Writer (MTRW) to enter vectors, 8-3
Simple operations with vectors, 8-5
Changing sign, 8-5
Addition, subtraction, 8-5
Multiplication by a scalar, and division by a scalar, 8-6
Absolute value function, 8-6
The MTH/VECTOR menu, 8-6
Magnitude, 8-7
Dot product , 8-7
Cross product, 8-7
Reference, 8-8
Chapter 9 - Matrices and linear algebra
Entering matrices in the stack, 9-1
Using the Matrix Writer, 9-1
Typing in the matrix directly into the stack, 9-2
Operations with matrices, 9-3
Addition and subtraction, 9-4
Multiplication, 9-4
Multiplication by a scalar, 9-4
Matrix-vector multiplication, 9-5
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