1-8 Troubleshooting
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
What can I do if the Bail Mechanism Fails?
1 Obstructions: Check that there are no obstructions in the way of the
Bail Assembly.
2 Wearing of parts: The cam gear and engaging gear may not make
correct contact with the left driveĆroller gear even though the carriage is
actuating the engaging lever. This can happen due to excessive wearing of
parts. Another problem may be that the bail cable has broken.
3 Carriage motor control: The carriage may not properly locate the
engagement lever, preventing the gears from engaging. Any problems
with the carriageĆmotor control system (for example, the encoder strip) or
associated mechanics could cause this problem. Also, if the carriage
cannot find the true left stop during initialization (caused by
interference), the engaging lever cannot be located.
4 Bail cam: The bail may fall from the up position. This can happen if the
cam is over or underĆrotated. The notch on the cam, used to engage the
left bail bracket, is not properly located for the bail up" condition, and
the bail falls abruptly. Perform a bail cycle test.
5 Adjust carriage: If the carriage moves over the engaging lever without
raising it, you may need to adjust the carriage angle on the slider rod.
(Details ' page 5Ć5.) However, be careful not to jeopardize the print
quality, which is very sensitive to the carriage angle.
EEROM Errors
What is an EEROM error?
An EEROM error means that some of the internal tests that the firmware
performs have detected that, when reĆreading information from the EEROM,
it doesn't correspond to the information that had previously been written
there, or that the checksum of all the information is incorrect. This failure
has five possible causes:
D Faulty electronics module.
D Contact problems with the trailingĆcable connections.
D Faulty trailing cable.
D Faulty carriage.
D The Printer was turned off while a test was writing to the EEROM, thus
leaving corrupt information (or a communication cable was disconnected
while sending information to the EEROM using software diagnostic tools).
It is generally not easy to discover the cause, due to the intermittent character of
the failure modes.