Print Quality
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
PrintĆQuality Plot
Whenever a Print Quality problem appears, it is advisable to print the
PrintĆQuality Plot to help diagnose the problem. The PrintĆQuality Plot will
help you differentiate between possible cartridge errors and other problems
such as incorrect frontĆpanel selection, driver or RIP configuration or
mechanical problems.
To achieve the best performance from the printer, advise the
customer to only use genuine HP accessories and supplies, whose
reliability and performance have been thoroughly tested to give
troubleĆfree performance and bestĆquality prints.
Using the PrintĆQuality Plot
1 The size of the PrintĆQuality Plot is A3 and B so you must use media (roll
or sheet) that is this size or larger.
2 Use the same type of media that the customer was using when the Print
quality problem was discovered.
3 Study each of the test patterns in the order listed to determine the type of
Print quality problem.
4 If the customer was reporting problems of Print Quality using nonĆHP
media and after the PrintĆQuality Plot test the same quality problems
appear, advise the customer to use genuine HP media. Repeat the
PrintĆQuality Plot test using genuine HP Media.
Printing the PrintĆQuality Plot
1 Before printing the plot, in Normal mode, set the Media Type
and Print
Quality on the front panel to the settings that you want to test.
2 Load a sheet of media in portrait orientation.
3 When the Ready LED lights up, press the Form Feed and Media
Source keys together.
The Ready light begins to flash, and the media moves slightly forward. The
carriage moves to the right side of the Printer, and the fan turns on. The Printer
plots the print-quality plot and ejects the media.
4 Unload the media.