NAS Service Release 2 Quick Start Guide 17
Information updates
The following sections provide updated information about your
NAS device.
NAS 1200s memory upgrade option
The NAS 1200s now supports a memory upgrade option from
512 MB to 1 GB. This Service Release is not required for this
Note: Remove any hardware upgrades, such as memory, prior to
returning a NAS 1200s to HP for service or maintenance. HP is not
responsible for hardware upgrades that are not removed.
Windows Services for UNIX® (SFU)
SFU is provided with the NAS products solely to supply the
Server for NFS Authentication dll for installation on domain
controllers. If your NAS server came with a Microsoft Windows
Services for UNIX® (SFU) version 3.0 CD, it requires a product
licensing key that is no longer available. The latest version, SFU
3.5 or later does not require a key and can be downloaded for free
http://www.micro soft.com/windows/sfu/d ownloads/de fa ult.asp
Note: Neither version of SFU is to be installed on the NAS Server.
NFS Authentication installation instructions are found in the NAS
Administration Guide in the Microsoft Services for NFS chapter. Also,
please see the note on S4U2 functionality on page 9 of this
Setting up print services
The following web site provides detailed information for using
file and print services with Windows Server 2003, which also
applies to use with Windows Storage Server 2003: