
18 NAS Service Release 2 Quick Start Guide
http://www.mi cro soft.com/technet/prodt echnol/wind owsse rver200
3/techno logi es/file print/def ault.mspx
The link for “Checklist: Setting up a Printer” is particularly
useful, and is also available via the online Windows Storage
Server 2003 help by clicking Start > Help and Support, and
then searching on “Checklist: Setting up a Printer.”
Setting up print spools on a cluster
The following Microsoft Q article provides step-by-step
instructions for setting up print spools on a cluster:
http://support.m icrosoft.com/def ault .aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q197046
Setting up an AppleTalk share
The following information is an addendum to the chapter,
“Folder, Printer, and Share Management,” in the NAS
Administration Guide.
AppleTalk shares can be set up only after AppleTalk Protocol and
File Services for Macintosh have been installed on the NAS
Note: AppleTalk shares should not be created on clustered resources
as data loss can occur due to local memory use.
Installing the AppleTalk Protocol
To install the AppleTalk Protocol:
1. From the desktop of the NAS server, click Start, navigate to
Settings-Network Connections. Right-click Local Area
Connection, and then click Properties.
2. Click Install. The Select Network Component Type dialog
box is displayed.
Figure 1 is an example of the Select Network Component
Type dialog box.