Chapter 3: Taking Pictures 25 Taking More Advanced Pictures
Note: If you have set the exposure mode to
either Auto, Portrait, Landscape, Close-up,
Action, or Night, the Photo Assist menu will be
“grayed-out,” such that you won’t be able to
change any of the Photo Assist menu settings.
(See “Setting the Exposure Mode” on page 9.)
9 Select the menu options you wish to change in the Capture Settings, Photo Assist, and/or Image
Stamp menus, and then make the changes to the camera settings within those menus, as
desired. (For information about changing settings in these Capture mode menus, see “Capture
Mode Menus and Soft Keys” on page 60.)
For example, if you have set the camera to the Timelapse image type, then you might want to
change the default settings in the Timelapse menu option of the Capture Settings menu. In this
case, you could change the number of images and/or the interval between them for the time-
lapse sequence that you want to shoot.
Note: The image LCD uses a lot of battery
power. If you are running your camera on
batteries rather than with the HP-approved AC
power adapter, you may want to limit your use
of the image LCD and use the viewfinder
instead. To turn the image LCD off, press the
DISPLAY button on the back of the camera.
10Press the right (Exit) soft key to exit the Capture mode menus.
11 Use the image LCD or the viewfinder to select and frame the subject for your picture. If needed,
use the zoom ring (see page 29) to adjust the focal length of the camera lens to focus on the
picture subject. (For information about the viewfinder LCD, see page 30.) You can also use the
diopter control (see page 29) when looking through the viewfinder to adjust the focus of the
picture subject in the viewfinder. Note that the diopter control has no effect on the image you
capture, however.
If you cannot obtain focus on your picture subject, see the next subsection, “Using Focus Lock.”
Otherwise, go on to the “What’s Next?” subsection.
Using Focus Lock
If you cannot obtain focus on your picture subject, use Focus Lock as follows to get the proper focus:
1 If the main subject of your picture is:
Not within the center of the viewfinder frame or image LCD screen, center the main subject
of your picture in the center of the viewfinder frame or image LCD screen. Go on to step 2.
Near a very bright or dark area, or is behind another object (such as a screen or fence) which
overlaps the subject, focus the camera on another object the same distance from you as the
subject. Go on to step 2.
2 Press the shutter release button halfway down and continue to hold it halfway down . This locks
the focus.
3 Without releasing the shutter release button, recompose the picture as you originally wanted it,
and then press the shutter button all the way down to take the picture. (Also see the following
subsections for how to take pictures for each image type.)
What’s Next?
What you need to do next to actually take a picture depends on the image type you have selected,
and whether or not you have set a timer mode. The following subsections describe how to capture
the image(s), as well as what occurs once you do, for each image type setting.