Chapter 6: Menu and Soft Key Reference 68 Capture Mode Menus and Soft Keys
ISO Speed Submenu
Note: The option you set is active from shot-to-
shot; it resets to its default setting when you
cycle the power on the camera.
Use the ISO Speed submenu to set the ISO speed. Similar to film, slower ISO speeds require longer
exposures, but produce higher quality images. In contrast, faster ISO speeds allow for shorter
exposures, but produce noisier images. You can select from these setting options:
Figure 46: ISO Speed Submenu
100 (Default for Program, Shutter Priority (Tv), Aperture Priority (Av), and Manual exposure
Table 19: ISO Speed Soft Keys
Soft Key Function
Select Places a checkmark by the
highlighted setting, then returns to
the Photo Assist menu.
Exit Returns to the Photo Assist menu
without changing the setting.