
Features 13
Product Description
HP SureStore E hubs provide the following features:
Short-wave hub (model S10): 10 non-Open Fibre Control (non-OFC) short-wave
optical transceivers
Long-wave hub (model L10): nine non-OFC, short-wave optical transceivers and one
non-OFC, long-wave optical transceiver
Local retime and regeneration of transmit signals to prevent accumulation of jitter and
improve the signal
Reliable, automatic bypass of failed nodes; dynamic recognition of newly added or
removed nodes, with a controller in each port permitting the bypass of a port if the port
fails signal validity tests
Active loop reconfiguration when a node to an arbitrated loop is added, removed, or
Plug-and-play capability, which allows the hub to connect to compatible servers and
other Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) devices while they are operating ( FC-AL
devices can be added or removed while the hub is active.)
Cascade support (hub-to-hub connections) for increased loop distances
Cascaded short-wave hubs are supported up to 500 meters; cascaded long-wave hubs
are supported up to 3000 meters (3 km). Under certain conditions, cascaded long-wave
hubs are supported up to 10,000 meters (10 km) (see page105 for more information).
The 10-km capability only applies to long-wave hubs connected to HP-UX servers.
Note Increased loop distances are associated with increased latency times.
Access to the RS-232 interface for firmware upgrades and hub configuration and
Support for a hub management tool (Fibre Channel Manager) to remotely manage and
monitor the health of the hub