
36 Procedure 5: Plan the FC-AL Connections
DO NOT attach more than one cable between any two hubs.
Figure 17 Incorrect Cabling Example: More Than One Cable Connection Between Hubs
When cascading long-wave hubs, DO NOT connect the long-wave port to the short-wave
port on another hub. DO NOT connect long-wave FC-AL devices to long-wave hubs.
Figure 18 Incorrect Cabling Example: Long-Wave Port Connections to Wrong Device/Port
In the example in Figure18:
The long-wave port on Hub A is incorrectly connected to Port 1, a short-wave port,
on Hub B.
A device other than the long-wave port of another hub is attached to the long-wave
port of Hub B.
The long-wave port of Hub A should be connected to the long-wave port of Hub B.
FC-AL Device 2
Long-Wave Hub A Long-Wave Hub B
FC-AL Device 1