MSL6000 series tape library user guide 129
7013 Control Com Unidentified
(During a hot swap, a command response
from the control task could not be
associated with any outstanding
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
7014 Drive status update failed
(The drive task indicates that a request to
determine the current state of a drive
failed. Reason unknown.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
7015 Loader command execution failed
(The loader task indicates that a
command has failed to complete
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
7016 Sequential command execution failed
(The sequential task indicates that a
command has failed to complete
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
7017 Destination Xchg for msg. was Null
(Attempted to send a message to a task,
but the argument exchange pointer was
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
7018 Bad src mod in peg msg
(A message was received from a remote
module, but the module number was out
of range.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
7019 Peg message wrapping a Null msg. ptr.
(A peg message has a pointer to NULL.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the router.
• Cycle power to all libraries in a stack, or
reboot using the GUI touch screen.
701A Xchg conversion failed
(Attempted to determine the module
number containing the task that is
returning a command response failed.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
Table 10 Fault Symptom Codes (continued)
FSC Message ERP