Specifications and Regulatory Information
Modem Reference Information
Reference Guide 137
Command Function (Ambit)
%E0 Disable line quality monitor and auto retrain
%E1 Enable line quality monitor and auto retrain
%E2 Enable line quality monitor and fallback/fall forward
%L Return received line signal level
%Q Report the line signal quality
%TTn PTT testing of signal level: 00-09=DTMF dial 0-9, 0A=DTMF *, 0B=DTMF #, 0C=DTMF A, 0D=DTMF B,
0E=DTMF C, 0F=DTMF D, 10=V.21 Channel 1mark symbol, 11=V.21 Channel 2mark symbol, 15=V.22
originate signaling at 1200bps, 16=V.22bis originate signaling at 2400bps, 17=V.22 answering signaling ,
18=V.22bis answer signaling, 19=V.21 Channel 1space symbol, 1A=V.21 Channel 2 space symbol,
20=V.32 9600bps, 21=V.32bis 14400bps, 30=Silence, 31=V.25 answer tone, 32=1800Hz guard tone,
33=V.25 calling tone (1300Hz), 34=Fax calling tone (1100Hz), 40=V.21 channel 2, 41=V.27ter 2400bps,
42=V.27ter 4800bps, 43=V.29 7200bps, 44=V.29 9600bps, 45=V.17 7200bps long, 46=V.17 7200bps short,
47=V.17 9600bps long, 48=V.17 9600bps short, 49=V.17 12000bps long, 4A=V.17 12000bps short,
4B=V.17 14400bps long, 4C=V.17 14400bps short, 60=2400bps (V.34 only), 61=4800bps (V.34 only),
62=7200bps (V.34 only), 63=9600bps (V.34 only), 64=12000bps (V.34 only), 65=14400bps, 66=16800bps,
67=19200bps, 68=21600bps, 69=24000bps, 6A=26400bps, 6B=28800bps, 6C=31200bps, 6D=33600bps
When modem receives a break from the DTE:
\K0,2,4 Enter on-line command mode, no break sent to the remote modem
\K1 Clear buffers and send break to remote modem
\K3 Send break to remote modem immediately
\K5 Send break to remote modem in sequence with transmitted data
When modem receives \B in on-line command state:
\K0,1 Clear buffers and send break to remote modem
\K2,3 Send break to remote modem immediately
\K4,5 Send break to remote modem in sequence with transmitted data
When modem receives break from the remote modem:
\K0,1 Clear data buffers and send break to DTE
\K2,3 Send a break immediately to DTE
\K4,5 Send a break with received data to the DTE
\N0 Select normal speed buffered mode
\N1 Select direct mode
\N2 Select reliable link mode
\N3 Select auto reliable mode
\N4 Force LAPM mode
\N5 Force MNP mode
\V0 Connect messages are controlled by the command settings X, W, and S95
\V1 Connect messages are displayed in the single line format
+MS=a,b,c,d Select modulation (b, c, and d are optional)
a is the mode (bps): 0=V.21 (300), 1=V.22 (1200), 2=V.22bis (2400, 1200), 3=V.23 (1200, 300), 9=V.32
(9600, 4800), 10=V.32bis (14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800), 11=V.34 (33600, 31200, 28800, 26400,
24000, 21600, 19200, 16800, 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400), 17=X2, V.90 (57333-33333),
64=Bell 103 (300)
b is automode: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
c is minimum rate (bps): 300-33600
d is maximum rate (bps): 300-33600
+H0 Disable Rockwell Protocol Interface (RPI)/Video ready mode
+H1 Enable RPI and set DTE speed to 19200 bps
+H2 Enable RPI and set DTE speed to 38400 bps
+H3 Enable RPI and set DTE speed to 57600 bps