Making Connections
Using the Modem
Reference Guide 61
To send and receive e-mail
Sending and receiving e-mail requires an e-mail account with an Internet Service
Provider or with your company’s communications system. If you are using AOL, e-mail
services are part of your AOL service. For another ISP, you can use Outlook Express
(included with your computer) or an e-mail system of your choice. This topic includes
instructions for using Outlook Express.
To start Outlook Express
1. Click Start, Programs, Outlook Express, or double-click Outlook Express on the
2. If you are not currently connected to the Internet, the Dial-up Connection window
appears. Choose Connect to connect to the Internet.
To send an e-mail message
1. In Outlook Express, click the New Mail tool on the toolbar.
2. Fill in the information in the New Message window.
3. When you’re finished, click the Send button.
To receive e-mail messages
1. In Outlook Express, click the Send/Recv tool on the toolbar to have Outlook deliver
new messages.
2. Click the Inbox folder to view the list of messages. Unread messages appear bold on
the screen.
3. To view a message, click it once. (Or double-click to view the message in its own