Software Setup
Getting Started 2–7
Register Online
In the Register Online with Hewlett-Packard window, you can
■ Register your notebook—Complete the text fields.
■ Register your operating system—Select the Also Register
with Microsoft check box beneath the text fields.
■ Indicate how you would like to be contacted by
Hewlett-Packard—Select or clear the check boxes above
Microsoft registration information.
To view the Hewlett-Packard Registration Privacy Statement,
select the underlined link near the top of the window. To view
Microsoft Windows Registration Privacy Statement, select
the underlined link near the bottom of the window. To return
the registration window from either of these windows, select
To proceed with your registration and software setup,
If you connected your modem during the “Step 3: Connect the
Modem” section in Chapter 1, “Hardware Setup,” or have
connected the notebook to the Internet by another method, the
Connecting to online registration window is displayed. This
window describes the progress of your registration.
If you are unable to send your registration, you can do so at any
time after software setup is complete. For more information about
connecting to the Internet, refer to the
“Connect to the Internet”
section in Chapter 3, “Next Steps.”