other keys flushed.
Failure Message Error Code Meaning
User Aborted 1 User aborted test.
CD Not Ready 2 CD not ready, no CD in drive
H/W Error 3 Timeout waiting for IRQ
Drive Not
4 CD drive not installed
Read Error 5 The read failed
The OmniBook must be docked for this test to function properly.
The SCSI test checks for the presence of the PCI BIOS and SCSI controller. The test then
checks for the presence of a SCSI hard disk, resets it, and copies the file SCSI.EXE to it.
DOS Parameter Explanation
Valid Keystrokes Action
n/a The SCSI test ignores the keyboard.
Failure Message Error Code Meaning
User Aborted 1 User aborted test.
Failed 2 File copy to SCSI hard drive
Failed 3 PCI BIOS not present
Failed 4 SCSI controller not present
Failed 23 Error resetting the SCSI hard
Fan - (FAN.EXE)
The Fan test is not available on the OmniBook 5500. This test turns on the fan for the specified
number of seconds. In the DIAG user interface, the Enter key instructs the test to run the fan for
two seconds, while Ctrl-Enter runs the fan for five seconds.
DOS Parameter Explanation
n Number of seconds to run the fan
Valid Keystrokes Action
any key Any key aborts the Fan test.