
Floppy Disk Drive
The floppy disk drive can either be placed in the center bay slot or connected to the parallel port.
It is hot-swappable and is configured as drive A by default.
Floppy disk drive manufacturers are subject to change without notice.
Table 25 - Floppy Disk Drive Specifications
3.5-inch Floppy Drive
Manufacturer TEAC
Data Capacity 1.44MB (formatted)
2M (unformatted)
724KB (formatted)
1M (unformatted)
Data Transfer Rate 500k bits/sec 250k bits/sec
Disk Rotational Speed 300rpm
Track Density 135tpi
Cylinders 80
Track-to-track Time 3ms
Average Seek Time 94ms
Start Time 480ms
Average latency 100ms
Mean Time Between
30,000 hours
Error Rate
Soft (recoverable) 1 or less per 10
bits read
1 or less per 10
bits read
Seek 1 or less per 10
bits read
CD-ROM Drive
The CD-ROM Drive is an accessory to the OmniBook. It is designed to operate only in the
center bay.
CD-ROM drive manufacturers are subject to change without notice.
Table 26 - CD-ROM Drive Specifications
6x CD-ROM Drive 10x CD-ROM Drive
Manufacturer Toshiba Toshiba
Transfer Rate 900K sustained 1710 KB/sec max
Buffer 128K 128K
Access Speed 190ms 150ms
Start-up Time 2.3 s (6x) 2.3 s (10x)
Seek Time 160ms 130ms
Modes CDROM (Mode 1&2), Photo CD, CD
Plus, CDXA, CD-I, Multisession
CDROM (Mode 1&2), Photo CD, CD
Plus, CDXA, CD-I, Multisession