pages, you can easily see the difference in the screens, the type qual-
ity, and the precision of curves and diagonal lines.
A header page is a separator page that prints before a print job to
help users sort out their jobs. The information on the header page can
be customized. See the
QMS Crown Document Option Commands
manual (available for purchase from your QMS vendor) for more
You can select the inputbin (tray or cassette) from which the printer
pulls media when printing the header page.
Menu Administration/Special Pages/Calibration Page
Choices Yes—Print a calibration page.
No—Don’t print a calibration page.
Default Yes
Note The calibration page prints when you exit from the menu.
Menu Administration/Special Pages/Header Page
Choices On—Print a header page before each job.
Off—Don’t print a header page before each job.
Default Off
Menu Administration/Special Pages/Header Inputbin
Choices Multipurpose—Pull header page media from the multipurpose
Lower—Pull header page media from the 250-sheet paper
Optional—Pull header page media from the optional paper
Default Multipurpose