printing the job in the ESP default emulation (Administration/Emula-
tions/ESP Default Emul menu).
The manual feed timeout is the maximum number of seconds the
printer waits for the next sheet of media to be placed in the manual
feed tray. If the timeout occurs, the manual feed job is canceled. The
multipurpose tray, when accessed by a PostScript emulation operator
as bin 0, is the manual feed tray.
The PostScript emulation timeout is the maximum number of seconds
the PostScript emulation waits for incoming data.
Menu Administration/Communications/Timeouts/ESP Timeout
Choices 00000-99999
Default 00003 (3 sec.)
Notes A value of 000 is the same as infinity (no timeout).
Menu Administration/Engine/Man Feed Timeout
Choices 000-300 (0-5 min.)
Default 060 (1 min.)
Notes A value of 000 is the same as infinity (no timeout).
Menu Administration/Communications/Timeouts/PS Wait Timeout
Choices 00000-99999
Default 00030 (30 sec.)
However, when a print job is sent from a Macintosh, the PS
Wait timeout is automatically changed to 00300 (5 min.).