installation and user information
updating software
Chapter 2 53
(Add Targets)
Hostname: svm
Target Depot Path: /var/opt/sps/depots
[OK] [OK]
(Show Software For Selection)
Source Host Name: svm
Source Depot Path: /tmp/PHNE_25612.depot
9. In the software selection window:
Left click to select PHNE_25612
Right click on PHNE_25612
(Mark for copy)
Assign an optional job title for monitoring and reference
Example: march gb
Watch for warning or error messages that need to be resolved.
step3: install
WARNING When installing patches that require a reboot, switch to a
stand-alone workstation X server instantiation. If you wish to
use the SD GUI tools instead of the command line or terminal
versions, either login remotely to perform the install, or
configure the X server to run as it would on a stand-alone
workstation. (Example: Temporarily move the /etc/X11/X0screens
file to X0screens.save then restart the X server.) Failure to do
this could result in an incomplete installation. On sv6, when the
first slave node reboots, it kills the X server on the master node,
which kills the remaining swinstall GUI windows.
10. Start install GUI: swinstall
11. In the target selection screen: