4 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
POST Diagnostic Front Panel LEDs and Audible
This section covers the front panel LED codes as well as the audible codes that may occur
before or during POST that do not necessarily have an error code or text message
associated with them.
✎If you see flashing LEDs on a PS/2 keyboard look for flashing LEDs on the front
panel of the computer and refer to the following table to determine the front panel
LED codes.
✎Recommended actions in the following table are listed in the order in which they
should be performed.
Diagnostic Front Panel LEDs and Audible Codes
Possible Cause
Beeps &
LED blink
Activity Recommended Action
Computer on. None Green Power LED On. None
Pre-video memory 5
Green Power LED flashes
times, once every second,
followed by a two second
Beeps stop after fifth
iteration but LEDs continue
until problem is solved.
CAUTION: To avoid damage to the DIMMs or the system
board, you must unplug the computer power cord before
attempting to reseat, install, or remove a DIMM module.
1. Reseat DIMMs.
2. Replace DIMMs one at a time
to isolate the faulty module.
3. Replace third-Party memory with HP memory.
4.Replace the system board
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