I/O ports and
Four USB ports (two in front, two in rear), 4 serial, one parallel, one RJ-45, two PS/2
Resident Operating
Redflag Linux
Session Allocation
HP PC Session Allocation Manager Software for the Consolidated Client Infrastructure,
Citrix Desktop Broker for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Server OS
Open source Terminal Emulation:
CT100, VT100, VT220, VT382, Xenix, ANSI
Terminal service:
Microsoft® Windows® NT 4.0 Server, Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition, Windows
2000/2003 Server families, Windows 2000/2003 Server Terminal Services, Windows 2000
Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Advance Server Terminal Services
Citrix Presentation Server 4.0, including the Desktop Broker feature, Citrix Metaframe
Presentation Server 3.0, Citrix Metaframe XP Presentation Server, Citrix Metaframe 1.x,
and Linux Server versions
Software Included HP Connection Administrator, Firefox Browser, Citrix ICA, rdesktop RDP client (for RDP),
Altiris Deployment Solution 6.8 (client agent) preinstalled.
Terminal Emulation software re-development for finance system.
Printing: support screen print, transparent print , 4 auxiliary serial ports terminal
emulation & Graphic display
Flash Player support, txtpad , control panel support
Chinese input: Pinyin, Wu bi, Qu wei
Note: Altiris Deployment Solution (management console) available as free download
from Altiris at:
Other software available as add-ons (see
www.hp.com/support for latest list of
available add-ons)
Languages Chinese only