2 - 2
Parameter Description
pIntelImg Pointer to an HHP_INTEL_IMG structure that contains the setup parameters describing
the location of the intelligent image relative to the barcode.
pDecodeMsg Pointer to an HHP_DECODE_MSG structure if bWait is TRUE. If bWait is FALSE, the
parameter is ignored and should be NULL. The intelligent image barcode information is
returned here.
dwTimeout Maximum time (in milliseconds) to attempt to decode before declaring a no decode.
pImg Pointer to an HHP_IMAGE structure if bWait is TRUE. If bWait is FALSE, the parameter
is ignored and should be NULL.
bWait If TRUE, do not return until the image is received or an error occurs. If FALSE, return
immediately. One of the event notification methods must be enabled to receive notification
on completion. (See hhpSetAsyncMethods on page 2-10.)
Cancels the current barcode or image capture.
This function causes the imager to capture images and attempt to decode them. Decoded data returned is translated by code
page and locale. Barcode capture can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous capture is specified by setting the bWait
parameter hhpCaptureBarcode to TRUE. In this case, the function will not return until a barcode is read, an error occurs, or the
decode timeout is reached. Asynchronous capture is specified by setting the bWait parameter hhpCaptureBarcode to FALSE,
or whenever a barcode capture is initiated other than by the 5X00 Series (e.g., from a hardware trigger). In order to be notified
of an asynchronous transfer, you must enable at least one of the notification methods (see hhpSetAsyncMethods on page 2-10).
DWORD dwTimeout,
BOOL bWait
Parameter Description
pDecodeMsg Pointer to an HHP_DECODE_MSG structure if bWait is TRUE.
If bWait is FALSE, the parameter is ignored and should be NULL. (HHP_DECODE_MSG
will be passed to hhpGetAsyncMethods() call instead.) The function returns immediately,
and you are notified when symbols are decoded, an error occurs, or decoding times out
(no barcode) using the specified event notification method(s).
dwTimeout Maximum time (in milliseconds) to attempt to decode before declaring a no decode. A
value of CURRENT_DECODE_TIMEOUT specifies that the timeout is whatever is
currently set on the imager. A value of 0 indicates no timeout.
bWait If TRUE, wait for capture to complete before returning. If FALSE, one of the event
notification methods must be enabled to receive notification upon completion.
This function causes the imager to capture images and attempt to decode them. Decoded data returned is unmodified 8 bit ASCII
data. Barcode capture can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous capture is specified by setting the bWait parameter
hhpCaptureRawBarcode to TRUE. In this case, the function will not return until a barcode is read, an error occurs, or the decode
timeout is reached. Asynchronous capture is specified by setting the bWait parameter hhpCaptureRawBarcode to FALSE, or
whenever a barcode capture is initiated other than by the 5X00 Series (e.g., from a hardware trigger). In order to be notified of
an asynchronous transfer, you must enable at least one of the notification methods (see hhpSetAsyncMethods on page 2-10).