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Interface Diagram
The following diagram shows the interface between the 5X00 Series and the Image Engine:
5X00 Series Library Files
The SDK API and SDK communications layers are provided in the dynamic link libraries, hhpImgrSdk.dll and commDrv.dll,
respectively. The library link file hhpImgrSdk.lib and the include files hhpImgrSdk.h, hhpSymCfg.h and hhpImgrCfg.h are also
provided. In order to use the 5X00 Series, you must include hhpImgrSdk.h in any source files that call the SDK functions. The
library include files must be in the include path for the application’s project. This means that the files must either be in the
source file build directory, or in the developer’s Studio include path. Also, the library link file, hhpImgrSdk.lib, must be added to
the application project link list and link path. Since the .dll and .lib files are operating system and processor type dependent,
care must be taken to use the proper files for the chosen target environment.
SDK Library
Where Resides Function
Target Device
Windows Folder
Sends commands from API to the appropriate OS driver. Handles low level
communications protocols.
Target Device
Windows Folder
Contains the exported SDK API. Formats requests into imager commands,
then calls commDrv layer.
hhpImgrSdk.lib Project Link Path
Library exports file. Allows your application to link without actually including
the SDK code at link time.
hhpSymCfg.h Project Include Path
Definitions, structures, and enumerated types related to symbology setup.
Automatically included when hhpImgrSdk.h is included.
hhpImgrCfg.h Project Include Path
Definitions, structures, and enumerated types for imaging as well as all
other imager configurations, except communications. Automatically
included when hhpImgrSdk.h is included.
hhpImgrSdk.h Project Include Path
Include file that must be included in application code. Contains definitions,
structures, and enumerated types for communication configuration, as well
as the SDK error codes and SDK function API prototypes.
OemDll.h Project Include Path
Only necessary if you create a helper dll for the SDK to provide access to
the imager hardware sleep and trigger lines.
User Application
SDK Driver Interface Layer - hhpImgrSdk.dll
SDK API Interface Layer - commDrv.dll
OS Communications Driver
Physical Connection: RS-232, USB, etc.
Image Engine
SDK API Interface Layer - commDrv.dll
Physical Connection: RS-232, USB, etc.