Diagnostic Test Types
The tests performed by the TokenDisk diskette Configuration
and Diagnostic Program are divided into Group 1 and
Group 2 tests.
A lobe cable must be connected from the selected adapter to
a retiming concentrator or MAU for all tests.
Group 1 Diagnostics
Group 1 diagnostics test physical components, connectors,
and circuitry of the adapter. They include the following tests:
■ MMIO Register Write/Read Test
■ Boot PROM Test (if the Boot PROM is enabled)
■ AIP Checksum Test
■ Shared RAM Boundary/Domain Test
■ Shared RAM Write/Read Test
■ Timer Test
■ Open Adapter for Ring Operation Test
■ Ring Operations Test
■ Close Adapter Test
Each of these tests is explained in more detail below.
MMIO Register Write/Read Test
This test verifies that the PC can access the adapter’s memory
mapped I/O registers correctly.
Boot PROM Test
This test verifies that the PC can access the Boot PROM
correctly and verifies the integrity of the Boot PROM.