Using the Mouse A-3
Using the Mouse
If you have a mouse, you can use it to click on any of the
menu items, command buttons, or listed items in a dialog
box. Make sure that a mouse driver is loaded.
Choosing a Menu Item
Listed below are the menu items in the TokenDisk diskette
Configuration and Diagnostic Program. Each menu item is
explained in the help screens. Press [F1], tab to the <Index>
command button, and press [Enter] to see the list of help
screens included in the program.
Table A-2 Definition of Menu Items
Menu Menu Item Description
Quit Exit Lets you exit the program.
Command Line Help Explains how to use the program from the
command line.
Driver Installation Help Explains where to access the network drivers for
the 3C619C adapter.
About Lists the program’s version.
Install Configure Adapter Configures a selected adapter.
Test Run Tests Lets you run the diagnostic tests with the chosen
test configuration and view the results.
Test definitions are located in the on-line help.
Test Setup Lets you determine which tests to run.
Echo Server Not functional with this adapter.
View Adapter Information Lets you view specific adapter information.
Adapter Statistics Displays the network statistics maintained by the
Definitions of the statistics are located in the
on-line help.
Select Select Adapter Provides selection of an adapter when multiple
adapters are present.