Chapter 6. Additional administrative functions
This chapter describes the additional administrative functions that you can do on
the NAS 200.
The following functions are available:
v “NAS Backup Assistant”, accessed through IBM NAS Admin icon
v “Persistent Images” on page 36, accessed through the Windows 2000 for
Network Attached Storage user interface
v “Ethernet adapter teaming” on page 44, accessed through Intel PROSet II or
Alacritech SLICuser
NAS Backup Assistant
The NAS Backup Assistant is a preloaded utility that helps you create and schedule
backup batch files, and maintain log files. It can be used for backing up either the
NAS 200 operating system or user data.
You invoke the NAS Backup Assistant by clicking on the IBM NAS Admin desktop
icon to open the IBM NAS Administration console. Select Backup and Restore to
expand that tree, then select IBM NAS Backup Assistant. Once you have selected
this option, a logon prompt appears. You will need to log on as a user who has
backup operator privilege (that is, as an administrator or backup administrator).
Because NAS Backup Assistant only creates and launches scripts, and is not a
comprehensive backup application, it does not support interactive error messages.
To check status of jobs, you must either view the Backup Logs or view the Windows
Event Viewer. If a logon prompt does not appear, right-click on the IBM NAS
Backup Assistant link, and select refresh. Once you log on, the main panel
There are four tabs on the main panel:
Backup Operations
The main window where you create and schedule backup batch jobs.
Scheduled Jobs
Displays a list of backup batch jobs that you scheduled.
Backup Logs
Displays a list of log files for each backup that has run.
Displayed Logs
Displays the text contained in the log files that you can select from the
Backup Logs tab.
All of the options on each tab are described in detail in the online help. To access
the online help, click on the IBM NAS Admin icon, then expand the Backup and
Restore directory, then select IBM NAS Backup Assistant Help and log in.
Restoring using the NT Backup panel
To restore backups, use the following procedure:
1. Note these two conditions:
v If you are restoring a backup that you created using the standard backup
method, go to step 2 on page 36.
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