Modem information
Operating your modem
You can perform common modem functions such as dialing, file transfer, and faxing
using the modem communications software that came with your computer. For
information about configuring communications software, See “Configuring your
communications software” on page 4-11.
It is still possible for you to perform the basic modem functions using the AT
commands from the Windows 98 DOS box prompt. A list and description of all the
AT commands appear in the section "AT commands".
We strongly recommend, however, that you perform all modem operations through
the modem communications software since it is designed to eliminate the
inconvenience of using the AT commands. Modem software allows you to operate
the modem by simply selecting command items from onscreen menus.
Using the Auto Answer feature
If you use a modem communications software program, it may require your modem
to be set for
Auto Answer
. The Auto Answer feature lets your computer answer calls
from another computer automatically.
Your modem communications software determines how the modem operates with
Auto Answer. Some fax programs do not require you to type an AT command to turn
Auto Answer on or off. For specific instructions, see the user's guide that came with
the communications software.
To start the Auto Answer feature from your communications software, use the
. This command tells the modem to answer a call after a certain
number of rings. To set the number of rings, replace
with any number from 1 to
If you do not have a voice modem, turn Auto Answer off when you are not using your
modem. Otherwise, callers will be greeted with the modem tone. To turn Auto
Answer off, use the command:
Most modem communications software programs also
allow you to send specific AT commands to the modem.