Local Terminal Configuration
Using a Local Terminal
The LanProbe CONFIG button is recessed. This requires the use of a narrow,
pointed object (like a pen) to press the CONFIG button.
LanProbe executes a cold start if you press the CONFIG button twice within one
second. If this happens, wait for the cold start to be completed and press the
CONFIG button again to reenter the configuration mode.
A warm start or cold start is completed when the Fault LED goes off. If traffic is
present, the Activity LED flashes to show traffic.
Modify/View Configuration Values
Use the following procedure to configure items in the Modify/View Configuration
Values menu:
1. Press
to access the
Modify/View configuration values
menu item. The
Modify/View Configuration Values menu is displayed, as shown in Figure
Figure 2-6: Modify/View Configuration Values Menu
2. Select each field requiring configuration (one at a time) by pressing its
corresponding number and then entering the values that are appropriate for
your network.
Modify/View Configuration Values Menu - Firmware Rev
Memory configuration x Mbytes
1. Autodiscovery Echo Interval (sec.) 1800
2. Date Wed 05/05/97
3. Time 09:12:00
4. Time zone PST8PDT
S. Save changes and exit
0. Cancel changes and exit