Chapter 2. Installing Netcool/Precision TN 23
Creating the Oracle schema
To create the Oracle database schema, you must first run the leap_schema.sql script
located in the <netcool_install_dir>/etc/precisiontn/sql/oracle directory.
This file must be loaded into the database using any client, for example the SQL*Plus tool
provided by Oracle.
To create the schema:
1. You must log in as an appropriate user with the permissions needed to create new
tables in the database. See your Oracle documentation for Oracle user information.
Run Oracle SQL*Plus to load the schema by entering:
$ sqlplus [user/password options]
SQL> @<netcool_install_dir>/etc/precisiontn/sql/oracle/ncim.sql;
SQL> @<netcool_install_dir>/etc/precisiontn/sql/oracle/leap_schema.sql;
Note: If you are already running Netcool/Precision TN with Netcool/Precision IP or
Netcool for Asset Management which are already using the NCIM schema, do
not execute the ncim.sql file.
2. If the tables have been successfully created in the Oracle database, you see output
similar to:
SQL> @<netcool_install_dir>/etc/precisiontn/sql/oracle/leap_schema.sql
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Commit complete.
Configuring advanced Oracle features
The server can take advantage of such Oracle features as parallel servers, redundant
databases, and connection concentration. These advanced features of the Oracle database
are transparently available to the server through the use of the included OCI JDBC driver,
in conjunction with additional database configuration steps.
This document is not meant as a full tutorial on the deployment of these features. Oracle
databases are complicated products -- please consult an experienced database
administrator before you employ these techniques.
This section references the Oracle Technology Network web site,
http://technet.oracle.com/. If you have not already done so, you must register for
a free account to access these pages.