Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks 5.5 Administration Guide68
-nons For ease of use, Netcool/Precision TN by default brings up an
embedded nameserver. By doing this, the nameserver
(rmiregistry.exe) does not have to be started separately. If
you include -nons at the command line, you set the
RemoteNameServer property to true for this session; the
nameserver is outside the Netcool/Precision TN server
process – it can be on the same box or a remote box. To use a
remote nameserver, start Netcool/Precision TN with the
following command:
precisiontn -nons -ORBInitialPort port_no
-ORBInitialHost hostname
-nosecure By default, the server forces all remote users of the server to be
authenticated. By including this option in the command line,
you disable user authentication. The default is false.
-nsname precisiontn_name The name to register with the nameserver. This parameter lets
you partition a network among multiple servers. Each
Netcool/Precision TN server needs to register with the
nameserver under its own unique name. The default is
-ORBInitialHost name Connect to the nameserver running on the specified host. This
option automatically sets the RemoteNameServer option to
true if the host is not the localhost. The default is localhost
(implies -nons if remote).
-ORBInitialPort integer Start the nameserver on this port, or if RemoteNameServer is
true or ORBInitialHost is specified, connect to a remote
name server on this port. The default is 1099.
-rebindfreq seconds Frequency, in seconds, with which to try and rebind to the
nameserver. You would set this so that if the nameserver
restarts, you can rebind. If you do not rebind, then clients that
start after the nameserver restarts are unable to connect to
Netcool/Precision TN. Once the nameserver is down, this tries
every second.
If this is set to a value less than or equal to zero, this logic is
disabled. The default is 0.
-trapPort integer SNMP Only: Port that the server should listen on for incoming
SNMP trap messages. The majority of SNMP agents send traps
to port 162. The default is 162.
-resynchabsolute string Do not restart the resynch interval on connection reconnect.
Determines whether Netcool/Precision TN adheres absolutely
to the resynchinterval, or restarts the resynch interval
after a connection goes down and comes back up. The default
is false.
-tomcatPort number Specifies the port for accepting HTTP connections to the JSP
Table A2: Command line options (2 of 2)
Command Line Option Description