Chapter 16 Complete Command List
NOTE: If the set prefix is used, a save command must be
executed as well so that the new settings are retained after
power cycles. Since set only affects the settings in
memory, they will be lost after a power cycle unless they
are saved to flash memory.
Getting Command Help
The Ethernet Interface command shell provides several online help
tools, including:
“?” Command
Typing “?” when logged in to the command shell will produce a full
list of all available commands.
Command Prefixes
Typing in the first portion of a command will produce an error
message showing the correct syntax. For example, typing in store
tcpip will produce a list of all commands that start with this prefix.
Complete Command List
This section outlines the entire Ethernet Interface command set
including the command syntax, a description, and in most cases, an
example for each command listed.
NOTE: If you see the word ifnum in any npsh commands, you
should substitute a 1 or 2 unless told otherwise. The 1
represents the one network interface (e.g., Ethernet)
supported. The 2 represents the wireless network interface
if it exists in the system.