
CRC Cyclic redundancy check. A check for transmission errors that
is included in every data frame.
defined zone con-
The set of all zone objects defined in the fabric. M ay
includemultiplezoneconfigurations. See also zone, zone
directory service See SNS.
DLS Dynamic load sharing. Dynamic d istribution of traffic over
available paths. Allows for recomputing of routes when an
Fx_Port or E_Port changes status.
domain ID Unique identifier used in routing frames for all switches in a
fabric. Usually assigned by the principal switch, but can be
assigned manually. The domain ID for an HP switch can be any
integer between 1 and 239. The default domain ID is usually 1.
E_D_TOV Error-detect time-out value. The minimum time a target waits
for a sequence to complete before initiating recovery. Can
also be defined as the maximum time allowed for a round-trip
transmission before an error condition is declared.
E_Port Expansion port. A type of switch port that can be connected
to an E_Port on another switch to create an ISL. See also ISL
trunking, U_Port.
EE_Credit End-to-end credit. The number of receive buffers allocated by
a recipient port to an originating port. Used by Class 1 and
Class 2 services to manage the exchange of frames across the
fabric between source and destination.
enabled zone con-
The currently enabled configuration of zones. Only one
configuration can be enabled at a time. See also zone, zone
end-to-end flow
A facility that governs flow of class 1 and class 2 frames
between N _Ports.
error WithrespecttoFC,amissingorcorruptedframe,time-out,loss
of synchronization, or loss of signal (link error).
exchange The highest-lev el FC mechanism used for communication
between N_Ports. Composed of one or more related
sequences; can work in one or both directions.
F_Port Fabric port. A port that is able to transmit under fabric protocol
and interface over links. Can be used to connect an N_Por t
to a switch . See also U_Port.