Statement of Limited Warranty F-3
IBM or your reseller is unable to repair or replace
the Machine, you may return it to your place of pur-
chase and your money will be refunded.
If you transfer a Machine to another user, warranty
service is available to that user for the remainder of
the warranty period. You should give your proof of
purchase and this Statement to that user. However,
for machines which have a life-time warranty, this
warranty is not transferable.
Warranty Service
To obtain warranty service for the Machine, you
should contact your reseller or call IBM. In the
United States, call IBM at 1-800-IBM-SERV
(426-7378). In Canada, call IBM at
1-800-465-6666. You may be required to present
proof of purchase.
IBM or your reseller will provide certain types of
repair and exchange service, either at your location
or at IBM’s or your reseller’s service center, to restore
a Machine to good working order.
When a type of service involves the exchange of a
Machine or part, the item IBM or your reseller
replaces becomes its property and the replacement
becomes yours. You represent that all removed
items are genuine and unaltered. The replacement
may not be new, but will be in good working order
and at least functionally equivalent to the item
replaced. The replacement assumes the warranty
service status of the replaced item. Before IBM or
your reseller exchanges a Machine or part, you
agree to remove all features, parts, options, alter-
ations, and attachments not under warranty ser-
vice. You also agree to ensure that the Machine is
free of any legal obligations or restrictions that pre-
vent its exchange.
You agree to:
obtain authorization from the owner to have IBM or
your reseller service a Machine that you do not
own; and
where applicable, before service is provided —
follow the problem determination, problem analy-
sis, and service request procedures that IBM or
your reseller provide,
secure all programs, data, and funds contained in
a Machine, and
inform IBM or your reseller of changes in a
Machine's location.
IBM is responsible for loss of, or damage to, a
Machine while it is 1) in IBM’s possession or 2) in
transit in those cases where IBM is responsible for
the transportation charges.
Extent of Warranty
IBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free
operation of a Machine.
The warranties may be voided by misuse, accident,
modification, unsuitable physical or operating envi-
ronment, improper maintenance by you, removal or
alteration of Machine or parts identification labels,
or failure caused by a product for which IBM is not