
Chapter 2
Using Control Language
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS uses Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands to perform Sterling
Connect:Direct functions.
Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands have the following general i5/OS CL command format:
Each command can have required and optional parameters and subparameters that provide additional
information needed to run the command.
Subparameters are always positional.
Each parameter provides a specific type of information or instruction.
Each command is followed by one or more keywords and parameter pairs in the following format:
The following example shows a sample Sterling Connect:Direct CL command:
Reviewing Sterling Connect:Direct CL Command Functions
The following table lists the Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS command names and their functions.
COMMAND keyword(parameter) keyword(parameter) ...
Command Function
CDARCSTATM Compress and delete a statistics file member other than the active one.
CDCOMP Compress a file on the i5/OS node before sending it to a remote node.
CDCRTSTATM Create a new statistics file member and log statistics to that new member.
CDDECOMP Decompress files received from another node and archived on the i5/OS node as compressed files.
CDDEVACTG Turns VARY on and off on devices used by Sterling Connect:Direct.
CDDLTARCST Deletes members from the archive statistics database file.
CDDLTSTATM Delete a specified statistics file member other than the active one.
Administrative commands
Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus for i5/OS commands