Sending a Spool File 85
id specifies the security ID sent to the remote node (1–64 alphanumeric characters).
pswd specifies the current security password and is used by the security system on the SNODE to
validate the current security password (1–64 alphanumeric characters). This is optional unless the user
has security set to require a password.
newpswd specifies the new security password and is used by the security system to change the current
security password to the new security password (1–64 alphanumeric characters).
specifies the number of I/O buffers VSAM uses to transmit data between virtual and auxiliary storage.
Valid values range from 1–510. The default is 2. Increasing this number generally improves the I/O
performance on the file but requires more memory. This parameter is valid for z/OS nodes only.
TDBPARMS(dbid, dbsubid)
indicates that the Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS SQL SERVER is to process the I/O request against
the database identified by the subparameters of this keyword and defined by the SQL= parameter. The
DBPARMS parameter is used with the optional Sterling Connect:Direct z/OS SQL feature. This
parameter is valid for z/OS nodes only. Only DB2 is supported.
To determine the values to code for access to a given DB2 table or set of DB2 tables, consult the
database administrator.
dbid specifies the 1–4 byte DB2 database ID.
dbsubid specifies the 1–4 byte DB2 database sub ID.
TDCB(modeldcb, blksize, den, dsorg, keylen, limct, lrecl, optcd, recfm, rkp, trtch)
overrides attributes of the source file. For existing source and destination files, DCB attributes are
determined from the operating system unless specified. For a new destination file, the DCB attributes
of the source file are used to allocate the destination file unless DCB information is provided in the
modeldcb specifies a model data set control block (DSCB).
blksize specifies the block length in bytes. The minimum and maximum lengths are 18 bytes, and
32,760 bytes.
den specifies the magnetic tape mode setting. The following table shows values for the DEN
parameter for 7- and 9-track tapes. When coded together, the DEN and TRTCH values are used to
select a tape device for allocation by Sterling Connect:Direct z/OS.
dsorg specifies the file organization. Supported file organizations are BDAM, ISAM, PO, PS, and
keylen specifies the length of the keys used in a file. Maximum length in bytes is 255.
Note: newpswd is not supported if the remote node is an i5/OS node.
DEN 7-Track Tape 9-Track Tape
1 556 bpi --
2 800 bpi 800 bpi
3 -- 1600 bpi
4 -- 6250 bpi