
notices (continued)
FCC, Class A 118
safety and caution xi
notices and statements 3
numbers, enclosure ID 9
operating specifications 4
out-of-band management method 36
overheating, power supplies 58
overview of the product 1
part numbers, power cords 107
particulate contamination 117
parts listing 105
planned shutdown, powering off 55
power connector 10
power cord use by country 107
power cords 106
power cords and receptacles 15
power outage, overheated power supplies 58
power requirement specifications 4
power supply
cabling 43
connector 10
described 10
LEDs 52
recovering from shutdown 58
replacing 82
specifications 4
switch 10
power switch 10
power-on LED 53
power-supply controls, indicators, and connectors
ac power LED 52
dc power LED 52
fault LED 52
OK to remove LED 52
power connector 47
power switch 47
power, restoring after an emergency 57
powering off
for emergency shutdown 57
for planned shutdown 55
powering on
after emergency shutdown 57
after planned shutdown 46
after power supply shutdown 58
at initial startup 46
problem determination 99
product overview 1
rack cabinet
installing the DS3200 21
site preparation 20
RAID controller
cache battery 61
cache memory 60
connecting Ethernet cable to 33
connecting host to 37, 42
hard disk drive locations 110
identification numbers 109
redundant drive channel pair 27
release tab, replacing 94
replacement parts 105
replacing components
battery 87
bezels 93
controller 66
drive compatibility key 95
hot-swap hard disk drives 75
power supply 82
release tab 94
Service Action Allowed Status LED 63
restoring power
after an emergency 57
after planned shutdown 46
after power supply shutdown 58
after unplanned shutdown 57
safety information xii
safety, static-sensitive devices 19
sample information record, storage subsystem and
controller 112
shutdown, emergency 57
site preparation 21
size of DS3200 4
software and firmware upgrades 12
software service and support 114
specifications 13
specifications, DS3200 4
startup sequence 46
statements and notices 3
static-sensitive devices, handling 19
status LED on hard disk drive 53
storage expansion enclosure
connecting to storage subsystem 26
turning on before storage subsystem 79
storage manager software and hardware
compatibility 11
storage subsystem
airflow 10
checking status 52
enclosure ID numbers 9
fans 10
fault LEDs 52
identification numbers 109
information record 111
performing an emergency shutdown 57
power supply 10
records 109
restoring power after an emergency 57
Index 123