Chapter 19
Special Installation Issues
For information on special issues related to this release of the Learning Management System, refer to the
ReadMe.html and ReleaseNotes.html files that ship with this version of the product.
Using SSL with the Learning Management System
Use of the Secure Sockets Layer for the Learning Management System is supported with Release 1.0a and greater. To
switch to SSL-enabled transactions, use https:// in all relevant URLs, including those you specify during
installation, at application startup, and for content launching.
Using the Directory Server Web Administration Interface with Linux
The Web Administration interface for Directory Server is not supported on Linux. You can work around this issue
by manually creating the suffix, as follows:
1. Edit SLAPD32.CONF (default location of SLAPD32.CONF is /etc/slapd32.conf).
2. Manually add the new suffix below the following line:
ibm-slapdSuffix: cn=localhost
For example:
ibm-slapdSuffix: o=myorg, c=us OR
ibm-slapdSuffix: o=myorg
Note: Unix is case-sensitive.
3. Restart the LDAP server.
Chapter 19: Special Installation Tasks 99