
Select the installation destination and complete the installation
27. Click Next to install the Delivery Server to the default directory or click Browse to select and install to a
different directory.
28. Before the installation begins you are shown a Summary screen displaying all of your selected installation
29. Click Next to install the Delivery Server software as specified by your selected options. A Progress screen
will let you monitor the progress being made while the Delivery Server installs.
30. Enter the appropriate information in the product Registration screen as the installation completes. When the
install is complete and successful you are shown a Completed screen.
31. Click Finish to exit the Installer.
Important: Editing settings files created during installation incorrectly can result in data loss. Most of the needed
settings changes can be made via the Learning Management System Administrator’s Console. Refer to the
Administrator’s Guide for more information on changing settings via the Learning Management System
Administrator’s Console. If you wish to change installation settings after initially installing the Learning
Management System you can also use the Updater that comes with the Learning Management System Installer
program in the /update directory. This option presents you with the necessary screens, pre-populated with your
original settings data. After you have made the necessary settings changes, the Updater then creates two update
SQL scripts - one for the Learning Management System Server (updateLMM.sql) and one for the Delivery Server
(updateDS.sql). These scripts are then run to change the respective databases. The Updater is described in more detail
in Chapter 17: Starting the Applications.
Starting the Delivery Server application
For details on starting this application, refer to “Chapter 17 Starting the Applications.”
36 IBM Lotus LMS Release 1 Installation Guide