8-Bit Microcontroller
Product Specification (V1.5) 02.15.2007
• 35
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
Table 3 Interrupt Vector
Interrupt Vector Interrupt Status
0003H TCC overflow interrupt.
0006H External interrupt P5.4/INT0 pin
0009H External interrupt P5.5/INT1 pin
000CH Counter 1 underflow interrupt
000FH Counter 2 underflow interrupt
0012H High-pulse width timer underflow interrupt
0015H Low-pulse width timer underflow interrupt
0018H Port 6, Port 8 input status change wake up
6.9 LCD Driver
This LSI can drive an LCD of up to 32 segments and 4 commons that can drive a total
of 4
×32 dots. The LCD block is made up of an LCD driver, display RAM, segment
output pins, common output pins, and LCD operating power supply pins. This circuit
works on normal mode, green mode and idle mode. The LCD duty; bias; the number of
segment; the number of common and frame frequency are determined by the LCD
controller register.
The basic structure contains a timing control that uses a subsystem clock to generate
the proper timing for different duty and display accesses. The R9 register is a
command register for the LCD driver which includes LCD enable/disable, bias (1/2 and
1/3), duty (1/2, 1/3, 1/4), and LCD frame frequency control. The register RA is an LCD
contrast and LCD RAM address control register. The register RB is an LCD RAM data
buffer. LCD booster circuit can change the operation frequency to improve VLCD2 and
VLCD3 drive capability. The control register is described as follows.
6.9.1 R9/LCDCR (LCD Control Register)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Bit 7 (BS): LCD bias select bit, 0/1=> (1/2 bias) / (1/3 bias)
Bits 6 ~ 5 (DS1 ~ DS0): LCD duty select
DS1 DS0 LCD Duty
0 0 1/2 duty
0 1 1/3 duty
1/4 duty
Bit 4 (LCDEN): LCD enable bit
“0”: disable the LCD circuit
“1”: enable the LCD circuit