v All commands have the -h, -help, and ? options, which give syntax help. All of
the following examples will give the same result:
x345RSA> power -h
x345RSA> power -help
x345RSA> power ?
v Some of the commands listed in the following sections might not be available. To
see a list of the commands that are supported, use the help or ? option, as
shown in the following examples:
x345RSA> help
x345RSA> ?
Utility commands
The utility commands are as follows:
v exit
v help
v history
exit command
Use the exit command to log off and end the command-line interface session.
help command
Use the help command to display a list of all commands with a short description for
each. You can also type ? at the command prompt.
history command
Use the history command to display an indexed history list of the last eight
commands that were issued. The indexes can then be used as shortcuts (preceded
by !) to reissue commands from this history list.
x345RSA> history
0 ifconfig eth0
1 readlog
2 readlog
3 readlog
4 history
x345RSA> !0
-state enabled
-c dthens
-n ASMA00096B9E003A
-r auto
-d auto
-m 1500
-b 00:09:6B:9E:00:3A
-l 00:00:00:00:00:00
Chapter 6. Command-line interface 93