11. <not used>
12. <not used>
x345RSA> users -7 -n sptest -p PASSW0RD -a custom:am|rca|cel|nsc|ac
x345RSA> users
1. USERID Read/Write
Password Expires: no expiration
2. test Read/Write
Password Expires: no expiration
3. test2 Read/Write
Password Expires: no expiration
4. <not used>
5. jacobyackenovic custom:cel|ac
Password Expires: no expiration
6. <not used>
7. sptest custom:am|rca|cel|nsc|ac
Password Expires: no expiration
8. <not used>
9. <not used>
10. <not used>
11. <not used>
12. <not used>
ASM control commands
The ASM control commands are as follows:
v clearcfg
v clock
v resetsp
v update
clearcfg command
Use the clearcfg command to set the Remote Supervisor Adapter II configuration to
its factory defaults. You must have at least Advanced Adapter Configuration
authority to issue this command. After the configuration of the Remote Supervisor
Adapter II is cleared, the Remote Supervisor Adapter II is restarted.
clock command
clock [options]
-d mm/dd/yyyy
-t hh:mm:ss
-g gmt offset
-dst on/off/special case
Use the clock command to display the current date and time according to the ASM
clock and the GMT offset. You can set the date, time, GMT offset, and daylight
saving time settings.
Note the following information:
v For a GMT offset of +2 or +10, special daylight saving time settings are required.
v For +2, the daylight saving time options are as follows: off, ee (Eastern Europe),
gtb (Great Britain), egt (Egypt), fle (finland).
Chapter 6. Command-line interface 109