than one character set can be assigned code points
from the same code page. See also coded font.
code page global identifier (CPGID). (1) A 5-digit
registered identifier used to specify a particular
assignment of code points to graphic characters. (2)
See also graphic character set global identifier.
code point. A 1-byte code representing one of 256
potential characters.
coded font. (1) A font library member that associates
a code page and a font character set. For double-byte
fonts, a coded font associates more than one pair of
code pages and font character sets. (2) A font that can
be fully described using a code page, character set,
type style, posture, weight classification, and width
classification. For actual presentation, a size must be
specified. Some coded fonts require all of these
attributes. Others, called symbol sets, require only code
page and character set. See also code page and
character set.
coded overlay. An overlay that is stored in the printer
in a coded (not raster) format. Contrast with raster
pattern overlay.
color selection. The ability to specify a color other
than black to achieve more than one color of printed
data. For example, the 4224-2C2 supports selection of
several colors, depending on the color of ribbon
installed in the printer. Other printers support the
selection of black or the color of the medium,. which
can cause white lettering on a background that has
been shaded black, for example.
command. A request from a terminal or a specification
in a batch-processing print file for the operation of a
particular program.
common-use forms. A set of paper sizes selected as
being the most common in use throughout the world.
communication attached. In PSF, a device that is
SNA-attached and that uses a communication controller.
For example, a 3812 printer attached to a 3174 control
unit that is attached to a 3175 Communication
Controller can be considered to be a
communication-attached printer. Contrast with local
compatibility mode. A mode of operation for printing
the output of 3800 Model 1 application programs on a
3800 page printer with little or no change to the
application or JCL. Contrast with page mode.
composed text. Text data and text-control information
that dictates the format, placement, and appearance of
data to be printed.
composed-text data. Obsolete term for text data that
has been composed into pages. Text formatting
programs such as DCF can create text data consisting
entirely of structured fields. Synonym for MO:DCA-P
compressed pattern storage (CPS). Storage that
holds the extended (double-byte) fonts for the 3800
Model 6 or Model 8 printers.
compression algorithm. An algorithm used to
compress image data. Compression of image data can
decrease the volume of data required to represent an
concatenated data set. In MVS, a group of logically
connected data sets that are treated as one data set for
the duration of a job step. See also data set., partitioned
data set., and library..
conditional processing. A page-definition function
that allows input data records to partially control their
own formatting.
continuous forms. A series of connected forms that
feed continuously through a printing device. The
connection between the forms is perforated to allow the
user to tear them apart. Before printing, the forms are
folded in a stack arrangement with the folds along the
perforations. Contrast with cut-sheet paper.
continuous-forms stacker. An output assembly on a
continuous-forms printer that refolds and stacks the
continuous forms after printing.
copy group. (1) One or more copies of a sheet of
paper. Each copy can have modifications, such as text
suppression, page position, forms flash, overlays,
paper-source, and duplex printing. (2) In Print Services
Facility, an internal object in a form definition that
identifies the overlays and defines page placement and
modifications to the form. (3) Synonymous with medium
copy modification. In the 3800 Printing Subsystem
Model 1, a feature that allows the printing of predefined
data on all pages of specified copies of a print file.
Core Interchange font. Synonym for IBM Core
Interchange font.
CPGID. See code page global identifier.
CPS. Compressed pattern storage.
CSE. Cut-sheet emulation
current print position. The picture element that
defines the character reference point or the upper-left
corner of an image.
cut-sheet emulation (CSE). The ability of a
continuous-forms printer to provide output that is similar
to output from a cut-sheet printer. Some
continuous-forms printers provide an operator option to
enable cut-sheet emulation mode.
Glossary 195