Chapter 13. Infoprint 3000–ES1 and –ED1/ED2 Printers (3300)
This section describes the Infoprint 3000–ES1 and Infoprint 3000–ED1/ED2 printer characteristics. The
Infoprint 3000 printers is are continuous forms printers that uses laser and electrophotographic technology
to print text, images, graphics, and bar codes.
Table 72 summarizes the printer characteristics for the Infoprint 3000–ES1 and –ED1/ED2 printers.
Table 72. Infoprint 3000–ES1 and –ED1/ED2 Printer Characteristics
Printer characteristic Characteristic Value
Infoprint 3000–ES1
Characteristic Value
Infoprint 3000–ED1/ED2
Print technology Laser
Datastreams IPDS
Form type Continuous
Number of input bins Up to 15.5 inch (394 mm) stack of paper
Number of output bins Up to 12 inch (305 mm) stack of paper
Finisher attachments n/a
Manual forms feed n/a
Envelope printing n/a
MICR printing no
Duplex printing no
Color no
Adjust print-quality levels yes
Printhead resolution 480 dots-per-inch
600 dots-per-inch
Maximum printing rates for letter (8.5 x 11 inches)
inches per second 15.9
inches per minute 954
Figure 24. Infoprint 3000–ED1/ED2 Printer
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